Alternaturk Ana Sayfa
Norm Enerji Sistemleri

A potential safety net: The Power of One

A potential safety net: The Power of One
The most extraordinary aspect of the technology-driven  energy revolution, however, is that even if governments fail to act effectively, corporations and individuals have still been empowered to make a radical difference in their own consumption—and thus to materially influence the broader energy game. The Power of One has come into its own.

The new energy-related software and hardware on the market and in development—smart meters, smart appliances, demand management programs, and so forth—liberate individual actors from being at the mercy of broader forces. Every company needs an energy and sustainability strategy to define how it manages resources. The absence of such a strategy may well limit profitability potential and jeopardize the long-term health of the business. By contrast, sustainable companies can be a boon for investors. In the two years from 2009 through 2011, the top 100 companies in Newsweek's 2009 “Green Rankings” outperformed the S&P 500 by 4.8 percent—returning 15.2 percent versus 10.4 percent for the S&P.
The use of energy can now become a conscious act—and an act of conscience. It’s not about being virtuous, it’s about being profitable—and, at little to no cost, virtue is achieved. Governments should do everything possible to abet this virtuous cycle—and, if nothing else, they should make certain not to hinder it.

The ‘Great Game of the 21st Century’ is the technology continuum driving along the development curve from 1.0 to 2.0 to 3.0—with each version coming faster than the one before. The future is one of continuous research and development, informed investment job creation, and greater energy security—without sacrificing the environment.

The emerging energy world boasts a new geography, new technology enablers for both supply and demand, and a new road map—a map which can lead to the pot of gold at the end of the energy rainbow.

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